Thursday, June 30, 2011

Morning 1:15 am, June 30, 2011

My! I haven't posted for several years now. My Dad died August 2, 2005. He had just turned 83. It'll be coming up on six years that he passed on. It's so hard to believe that it has been six years. My grief for him isn't as bad as when he first was no more, but I miss him EVER so greatly. July 4th was his birthday and he would have been 89. July 4th, Dad, I'll be wishing you a happy birthday wherever you may be. Love you with all that I am.


Oct. 31, 2005 - Halloween

Just posting my thoughts. My Dad recently died and tonight is Halloween. I hate Halloween, [almost as much as I hate some NUNS]....Halloween and every holiday that follows there after. That's what death does to you. I plan to say what the title of my blog is about, though, not just yet. It is a pretty long story that stems from childhood. Some of you may have already guessed it by now. Feel free to add any comments, but please know, that if I don't like what you've posted, your comments/post will be OBLITERATED! So be nice!

Oct. 31, 2005 - Halloween

Proved to be pretty dead. A few kids here and there, came up to get candy and that was it. Giving out candy ended pretty earlier. Hope this tradition is dying out. In the fall of my years, I think it's pretty silly.
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Nov. 1, 2005

The beginning of the last two months that are left in this year and as this years comes to an end, it has taken my Dad along with it. The last two months of a year are like a roll of toilet paper...they pick up speed towards the end. [November 9, 2005 -1:05 p.m.]

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Nov. 3, 2005

Well, let's see......we’re trying to decide what to do and where to go for Thanksgiving. I refuse cook not even one speck of food for Thanksgiving, this year. We’ll probably just go to Melinda’s, my DIL's Grandmother’s house and just have Thanksgiving there. Also, last night we attended a mass the priest who said my Dad's funeral services at FL, invited us to. It was for the intention of all Catholic members of the parish who passed on, since last November. It was a huge turn out and very beautifully done. It was very moving and all respect given to those who had passed on. My Dad's name was on the list of about 75 who had passed on. Everyone [including me] took a photo of their loved one who had died and placed it up on an altar, that was especially prepared for that reason. The names of the deceased, were read out loud. I almost lost it when I heard my Dad's name come up, but I managed to keep a stiff upper lip. My father's wife was there with her cousin. Her cousin was the other person in the room, beside myself, when my Dad passed on. His breathing dimminished...He left peacefully. When we realized that he was gone, all we could do was to stare at the corpse in disbelief. We started to cry. All that was left to do was to hug each other and cry.....Gosh! I still can't believe he's gone!


alacrán de libra said...

It's just me -alacrán de libra...It's Nov. 1, 2005, the beginning of another month and the one after. Pretty soon 2005 will bid its' farewell, along with what use to be my Dad's existence. I hate it when they ring in the new year with Alud Lang Syne!

alacrán de libra said...

Dear Blog:
Not much going on here. Planning on going to a gambling city [lost wages] for Christmas. Don't know that I'd be able stand celebrating Christmas at home this year....Too dern many memories that have not turned golden, yet.

alacrán de libra said...

Dear Blog:

Well, it's here again, New Years Eve. Dh and I have a horrible flu bug and we are trying to fend it off. Nostalgia, sadness, even depression are here with me, as we get ready to say goodbye to this year, along with saying goodbye to my Dad, who passed away this August. His memory and my Mom's, will live in me for as long as I live. I am thankful for this and for what I DO have, which is my Dh. I hate New Years Eve....I HATE the holidays!!! At least it'll be over for one whole year! I love you Mom and DAD!!! [Jan. 1, 2006 - 9:23 p.m.]

alacrán de libra said...

ate Posted: Dec. 5, 2005

Dear Blog:
Just a thought here. I think what I'm afraid when I die, is being cold. This is silly I know, because when I leave this element, I will no longer care. It was just a thought that crept in.

11:14 PM [edited Apr. 15, 2006]

alacrán de libra said...

My very good friend Marta died, three weeks ago [February 27, 2006]. I didn't find out until last night, when I looked her up on the church's bulletin and saw her name among all who passed on Feb. 2006. This was the church we first met. *I'll never see her again. We will never meet at church's fiesta, I will never get any calls from her or receive any e-mail from her again : ( "Marta, I hope you crossed over Ok and are at peace now in the perfect love of God." I love you!

*Though this post is being posted tonight, March 13, 2009....Marta passed on February 27, 2006.

alacrán de libra said...
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alacrán de libra said...

This last August on the 2nd, my beloved Dad has been gone 12 years. And still it's SO, freakin' hard to believe.

I know I haven't posted for several years, (since 2009), but I'm still here. My Dad's death has come grow a lot softer, and though the ache is not as strong, there is still sadness. Especially, during this time of year, in the very late afternoons. A lot has happened during the past eight years.

Still, there is not a day that goes by that I don't bring him up in memory and talk to him. Dad, I love you sooo much and miss you sorely!